It is one of the programming language or technology used for developing web applications. Using this technology you can develop distributed application. Java language developed at SUN Micro Systems in the year 1995 under the guidance of James Gosling and there team. In other word It is a programming language suitable to the development of web applications. It is also used for develop desktop and mobile application.
This language was developed at SUN Microsystems in the year 1995 under the guidance of James Gosling and there team.
Java is one of the programming language or technology used for developing web applications. Java language developed at Sun Micro Systems in the year 1995 under the guidance of James Gosling and their team.
Whatever the software developed in the year 1990, SUN Micro Systems has released on the name of oak, which is the original name of java (scientifically oak is one of the tree names). The OAK has taken 18 months to develop.
The oak is unable to fulfill all requirements of the industry. So James Gosling again reviews this oak and released with the name of java in the year 1995. Scientifically java is one of the coffee seed names.
Java divided into three categories, they are
- J2SE (Java 2 Standard Edition)
- J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition)
- J2ME (Java 2 Micro or Mobile Edition)
J2SE is used for developing client-side applications.
J2EE is used for developing server-side applications.
J2ME is used for developing a mobile or wireless application by making use of a predefined protocol called WAP(wireless Access / Application protocol).
All versions of java
Java Version SE 7
J2SE 1.2 is called Dolphin and it is released on 28 July 2011.
- Strings in switch Statement
- Type Inference for Generic Instance Creation
- Multiple Exception Handling
- Support for Dynamic Languages
- Try with Resources
- Java nio Package
- Binary Literals, underscore in literals
- Diamond Syntax
- Automatic null Handling
Java Version SE 6
J2SE 1.2 is called Mustang and it is released on 11 December 2006.
- Scripting Language Support
- JDBC 4.0 API
- Java Compiler API
- Pluggable Annotations
- Native PKI, Java GSS, Kerberos and LDAP support.
- Integrated Web Services.
- Lot more enhancements.
J2SE Version 5.0
J2SE 1.2 is called Tiger and it is released on 30 September 2004.
- Generics
- Enhanced for Loop
- Autoboxing/Unboxing
- Typesafe Enums
- Varargs
- Static Import
- Metadata (Annotations)
- Instrumentation
J2SE Version 1.4
J2SE 1.2 is called Merlin and it is released on 6 February 2002.
- XML Processing
- Java Print Service
- Logging API
- Java Web Start
- JDBC 3.0 API
- Assertions
- Preferences API
- Chained Exception
- IPv6 Support
- Regular Expressions
- Image I/O API
J2SE Version 1.3
J2SE 1.2 is called as Kestrel and it is released on 8 May 2000.
- Java Sound
- Jar Indexing
- A huge list of enhancements in almost all the java area.
J2SE Version 1.2
J2SE 1.2 is called a playground and it is released on 8 December 1998.
- Jar Signer for signing Java ARchive (JAR) files.
- Policy Tool for granting access to system resources.
- Java Foundation Classes (JFC) which consists of Swing 1.0, Drag and Drop, and Java 2D class libraries.
- Java is platform dependent.
- Scrollable result sets, BLOB, CLOB, batch update, user-defined types in JDBC.
- Audio support in Applets.
JDK Version 1.1
JDK 1.1 is released on 19 January 1997
- JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
- Inner Classes
- Java Beans
- RMI (Remote Method Invocation)
- Reflection(introspection only)
JDK Version 1.0
JDK 1.0 is called OAK, and it is released on 23 January 1996
Define JRE
The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is part of the Java Development Kit (JDK). It contains a set of libraries and tools for developing java application. The Java Runtime Environment provides the minimum requirements for executing a Java application.
Define JVM
JVM is a set of programs developed by Sun Micro System and supplied as a part of JDK for reading line by line of byte code and it converts into a native understanding form of the operating system. Java language is one of the compiled and interpreted programming language.
Garbage Collector
Garbage Collector is the system Java program which runs in the background along with regular Java program to collect un-Referenced (unused) memory space for improving the performance of our applications.
Define an API
An API (Application Programming Interface) is a collection of packages, a package is the collection of classes, interfaces, and sub-packages. A sub-package is a collection of classes interfaces and sub packages etc.
Definition of JIT
JIT is the set of programs developed by SUN Micro System and added as a part of JVM, to speed up the interpretation phase.
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